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Hi, I’m Cat Ware,
I am an avid yarn ‘collector’, I love knitting, knitwear design and all things crafty

Cat and Scott (husband)
Me and Scott, my long suffering husband!
Cat and her son, Oscar (2yrs)
Cheeky Oscar, now 4yrs, forever stealing my hat!
Cat and her daughter, Pippa (4yrs) pulling faces on the beach
The one and only, super crazy Pippa, 6yrs.

My aims

To create beautiful and versatile knitting patterns, one stitch at a time!

I love creating simple but effective patterns which have interesting techniques included to keep the knitter engaged. As much as it means I often have to frog my designs and knit them several times, I enjoy experimenting with new ways to do things. For example, knitting hats from the crown down (Quinzhee Beanie or Garter Squish Beanie), making underarms pretty (Garter Squish Adult and Kids) or creating no fuss, integrated neckline and button band cardigans like the Flutterbye!

I design garments for all the family. Where I can and where I feel the design allows, I offer my patterns for as wide an audience as I can. For example both my current hat patterns are sized from baby to large adult. The Garter Squish patterns cover ages 2yrs to a chest circumference of 66″ and it is unisex, In fact, the only design (to date) of mine that isn’t unisex is the Flutterbye Cardigan – though, who really cares?? If Oscar wanted to wear it – good on him – my husband, not so much… but only because the largest size (currently – though I don’t really intend on grading it to adult sized unless there is a demand) is an age 12yrs and I am not sure it would fit him!

Pattern Support

Although most of my patterns use techniques aimed at advanced beginner/intermediate level knitters, I make my patterns as clear and easy to follow as I can, provide demonstrations of techniques and I welcome requests for support via email or my contact me page!

My background

It’s in the genes!

I come from a family full of dedicated crafters. Most of the women on my mothers side actively knit and sew. I first learned to knit (probably from my Mum and Nan, I can’t remember for sure) when I was a child and I dabbled with it during my teens, amongst other crafts. I had a website whilst I was at university where I sold sewn bags and accessories. By far my most popular product was a chicken door stop – I sold quite a few of those but otherwise I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a business. I once had a stall at a craft fair and sold absolutely nothing! Though In my defence neither did any of the other stall holders – It was a poorly advertised/organised event and no-one came!

an old photo taken in a hall of a table laid out with sewn items for a craft stall

I caught the knitting bug in my middle to late 20’s, after I finished university, had sewn all the things on my sewing machine that I could think of, and was looking for a hobby I could do in the evenings whilst sat on the sofa watching telly with my hubby.

That was it, completely hooked! I got brave, quick, and pretty good quick too, even if I do say so myself. I started test knitting in 2018 after Pippa was born and then got inspired to start designing in 2021! I could talk forever about my knitting journey, take you through some of the many lessons I have learnt, introduce you to some key projects. Great ones, awful ones and all in between, but If I did I would be here forever! If you are interested, it’s about time I wrote another blog post so maybe that’s a subject that needs to be talked about!

The “day” job…

After college I did what was the ‘done’ thing (or as it seemed at the time anyway) and went to university. Therefore I have a degree in Midwifery and practiced as an NHS Midwife for just short of 10 years. In June 2022, after working the bare minimum I needed to to keep my registration since having my children, I decided it was no longer for me and officially left the register. Midwifery was a large part of my life and it feels a bit strange to have a whole degree in something I can no longer practice in… but it was most definitely the right decision.

So what now??

These days, I seem to be a bit of a jack of all trades. I have recently started working part time in a school, which I am really enjoying. Then I continue to work on a multitude of knitting and craft related antics. I still design in my spare time but the main focus is a joint project between myself and my husband. Open Pattern Format. Open Pattern Format (or OPAF for short) is a comprehensive file format aimed at yarn based crafts. It is an open source project that aims to make accessible, customisable patterns available for all. My husband is the developer/programming brains whereas I provide the knitting knowledge as well as all the other stuff other than writing code (website, marketing, social media, designer outreach etc etc!).

Its a really cool project, I recommend you go check it out!

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